Protein Skimmer

Protein Skimmer

Many of the fine suspended solids and dissolved organic solids that build up within intensive recirculation systems cannot be removed with traditional mechanisms. Protein skimmers clean your saltwater tank by collecting and removing these microscopic pollutants and suspending them in a layer of fine foam or bubbles. This leaves your water clearer, cleaner and safer for your fish and corals. They don’t target proteins specifically, but instead filter out the or­ ganic waste products in the water: Skim­ mers collect and remove dissolved or­ ganic compounds (DOCs) floating in your tank’s water; there’s actually very little protein in an aquarium. While ocean water rarely has a high concentra­ tion of DOCs, they can build up quickly in a closed system like an aquarium.

Available Sizes

  • PS10T
  • PS25T
  • PS50T

Skimmer Equipped with

  • Control PVC butterfly valve imported
  • Venturi 50mm imported
  • Swimming pool pump imported
  • Plumbing Accesssories & Etc
Model Size (DxH)
Collection Chamber
Water Flow/hr Power
PS-10T 300 x 750 300 x 600 DIA 50/63 10 Ton 0.5 Acrylic & PP
PS-25T 400 x 1200 400 x 600 DIA 63/90 25 Ton 1 Acrylic & PP
PS-50T 550 x 1200 Without Chamber DIA 2 x 63/110 50 Ton 2 Acrylic & PP

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