Sedimentation Tank

Sedimentation Tank

Sedimentation is the Gravita­tional accumulation of solids at the bottom of the fluid i.e. water or air. Most of the suspended impurities present in water have a specific gravity greater than that of water .In still water these impurities will therefore tend to settle down under gravi­ty . Although in normal raw supplies they remain in sispen­sion because of the turbulence in water . As soon as the turbu­lence is retarted by offering storage to the water , these impurities tend to settledown at the bottom of the tank . This is the principle behind sedimen­tation

Available Sizes

  • ST-1
  • ST-2

Sedimentation Tank Equipped with

  • Auto control panel
  • 50 micron bucket
  • Waste sucking pump
  • Plumbing accessories & etc
Model Dimension (DxH)
Flow Rate/Hr Inlet/Outlet
Flow Rate/HR
Tank Wall Bottom/Thickness (mm) Material
ST-1 750 x 1200 20 – 50 110/110 5/12 PP
ST-2 1000 x 1200 50 – 100 160/160 5/12 PP

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